
My name is Sandra and I am in love with gardening. I never thought I would enjoy something so much, but ever since I started gardening in my free time, I have been hooked. It all started when I was looking for a way to relax and clear my head from the stresses of everyday life. After getting my hands dirty and planting my first few seeds, I quickly fell in love with it!

Now, I garden every chance I get, and that’s why I started this blog about my experiences in my green happy place.

In my blog, I write about everything from the best plants for beginners to how to deal with pests in your garden. I also love sharing pictures and stories about my own garden. Gardening has truly become a passion of mine, and I’m so happy that I can share that passion with others through my blog.

Join me on my gardening journey as I continue to learn and grow as a gardener!